Dear Jane, It must be about 25 years since we’ve been in touch… I think of you often and credit you for opening the way to living a sane life as manic-depressive.
” Dear Dr. Marke, I want to thank you for changing my life. Before I began working with you I was painfully shy and felt like a failure. Now, I am self-confident and outgoing. This complete turn-around took much effort on your part. Moreover, you have helped me with other health issues that my internist never seemed interested in addressing. Finally, you have provided invaluable advice on how to handle my son, who has ADHD. Without you, my life would have been very different.”
” Hi Dr M, I am on my way off for honeymoon.. I just wanted to tell you that the wedding went perfectly. It was absolutely beautiful. And I feel totally blessed……. Thank you for all you’ve done to help me to reach such a happy moment in my life. I’m deeply grateful.”
” The work with Dr. Marke is worth it. Smart, thoughtful, with an emphasis on changing how you think about things, your place in the world, and your relationships, both present and past. Getting to a better understanding of your truth. I learned the tools of disputation with the goal of keeping a level head when under pressure. The tools she taught me have contributed greatly to my success, both personally and professionally. The work with her is worth it and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her insight and skill.”
” Dear Dr. Marke, I cannot thank you enough for equipping me with the tools to change my life, process my painful past, and move forward in life-affirming directions. You are that rare person with an amazing gift to see people for who they truly are and guide them towards reaching their full potential. When I first met you, I was not half who I wanted to be. Now, after relatively brief treatment, I feel that I am the person I always knew I could become: flawed still, of course, but embracing life’s joys and tolerating its woes with grace and humility. My happiness has been in no small part influenced by your wisdom, kindness, and therapeutic excellence. I thank you for these gifts and I hope that others are as lucky as I am to find you.”
” Dr Marke, We haven’t seen each other in more than 26 years and it’s quite possible you don’t remember me as one of your patients. I saw you in 1979, both privately and in a group at St. Vincent’s Hospital. Anyway I wanted to tell you that I continue to be grateful to you for diagnosing me as alcoholic and for urging me to get sober. I joined AA in Greenwich Village in 1980 and have not had a drink since. What a blessing. You were a pivotal person in my life. Thank you!”
” I have been seeing Dr. Marke over a fifteen year period and I think you have to fall back on the old adage that when you find something that works, stick with it. I originally went to her with relationship issues and depression, but after graduating (from therapy), returned occasionally for tune-ups, and then again when I developed cancer. Unlike many psychiatrists who seem determined to prescribe their patients to pharmacologic wellness, Dr. Marke takes a much more holistic approach to her practice. Based on extensive blood work analysis, she has recommended a regime of vitamins and natural supplements that, together with talk therapy and proper diet and exercise, have significantly improved my general mood and outlook on life. Sometimes the answers may not be apparent, but Dr. Marke will take the time to guide you in working through the often difficult and puzzling questions that get at who you are and what will truly allow you to find some meaningful contentment in life. Easy to talk with, disciplined in her thinking and analysis, she brings a lot of wisdom to bear on helping you to evaluate and understand your needs, problems and emotions. In some ways, it’s like going to visit an old friend and I often actually look forward to it. How often can you say that about going to see the doctor? “
” Dear Dr Jane I was so lucky to find you, and all the tools for talk treatment you had. EMDR, especially, was helpful for the flashbacks of the old traumatic memories, and helped me keep me in the “now. I was also fortunate that you are such a fine physician and diagnostician, as it was you who, listening to me make light of certain symptoms, interrupted our session, called a neurologist colleague, and walked me directly into a cab to his office. You set me on the road to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis – and then we dealt with that in our sessions. I will always be grateful for your gentle guidance, your caring and non-judgmental acceptance in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. I remember your thoughtful agreement (and sometimes healthy disagreement), laughter, insight, tears, caring and your genuine concern for my well-being. I feel “re-parented”. I am also grateful for your boundless belief in me. I have weathered a few more crises, since leaving your care, but I am living a much fuller, richer life than when we met and that is due to the work we did together. With love and thanks, “