My Thyroid, Gluten And Genetic Tests

Home $ My Thyroid, Gluten And Genetic Tests
Test Note Date Date Date Date Comments
TSH screening Thyroid test

%increase or dec from prior year calculate, consider graph

Free T4 accurate measure of T4

Free T3 accurate measure of T3

FT4-calculated old way to compute T4

T3RU old way to compute T3

anti-microsomal Ab hashimotos

thyroid peroxidase Ab grave’s

Gliadin IgA gluten senstivitiy

Gliadin IgG

transglutaminase IgA

endomysial IgA

reticulin IgA

reticulin IgG

Fecal anti gliadin IgA may be more sensitive

fecal transglutaminase IgA

fecal fat

HLA-DQ2 gene for gluten sensitivity

HLA-DQ8 " ""

HLA-DQ1 lesser gene for this

Familial Amyloid- TTR genetic amyloid

CMT screen charcot-marie-tooth

MPZ charcot-marie-tooth

connexin32 charcot-marie-tooth

neurofilament NFL




HNPP-PMP22 DNA sequencing pressure palsies

HNPP PMP22 deletion/addition